Why choosing Chechen Courses?

Our company mission is to make the Chechen language accessible to everyone who is interested in learning it. We understand the importance of preserving and promoting the Chechen language, and that's why we offer Chechen courses in different languages and levels.

We are committed to providing a personalized learning experience to our students. We pride ourselves on being close to our students and providing them with continuous feedback throughout their learning journey. We make sure to answer any questions our students may have and stay available to support them whenever they need us.

We understand that language is constantly evolving, and that's why we are dedicated to keeping the Chechen language up-to-date according to official standards. Our ultimate goal is to empower individuals to communicate effectively in Chechen and to contribute to the preservation and promotion of this beautiful language.

Co-founder of Chechen Courses

In charge of the course for French speakers


Co-founder of Chechen Courses

In charge of the course for English speakers


About us

The story of Chechen Courses starts with the collaboration of Kheda and Rayana, two passionate about the Chechen Language.

"Our goal is to spread and revive the Chechen language. This course is an opportunity for anyone who aims to reconnect with his roots or learn the language from zero. We established a pedagogical way to teach this beautiful and ancient language, accessible to anyone, anywhere, and at everyone's pace."

"The Chechen language is a vulnerable language with only 1,3M speakers. Since we are native speakers, it is natural for us to ease the access to its learning. Our vision is to share our knowledge of the Chechen language and culture through clear and understandable material."